Bio Detox Formula

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 Biodetox Holistic Formula

Are you looking for an all natural treatment and supplement to purify your body from toxins and heavy metals ? ...... Supports fat loss and boost your energy?........

The Bio Detox Holistic Formula, is the most completed way to rejuvenate, cleanse, Vitalise  and detoxify our body naturally and in a short time. This Formula  in combination with the Bio Detox holistic treatment with Biomagnetism have amazing benefits and results for your health.

Reduce Viruses, Fungus, Bacterias, heavy metals, chemicals, drugs......... pain and inflammation.......... Balance Ph, energy and emotions  throughout the body......thanks to the combination and  the organic properties of vitamins, minerals, proteins, antioxidants and Chlorophyll.

This powerful  Bio Detox alkalizer and Anti age supplement  has organic algae, herbs, mushrooms, roots...........depending on the  individual needs.

The Bio Detox was originally inspired as a natural remedy to improve the side effects of modern western life style:
Jet lag, exposure to Ionising and Cosmic Radiation, Cancer,  Immunodeficiency and Depression, Hormonal unbalance, Stress, Fatigue, lack of Oxygen and long exposure to contaminated  air  and polution which links to many  Health issues and respiratory conditions. Processed and reheated unhealthy food, poor water quality, heavy metals....................

But also the Bio Detox Holistic Formula will help of those who are intoxicated  by Abusing Alcoholism, different kinds of recreational and prescribed drugs. 
Divers chronic diseases like Aids and HIV, Hepatitis, etc.
and  just to mention a few.  

some of the ingredients of the Bio Detox Formula are:

 Organic Reishi Mushroom ( Ganoderma  Lucidum) : The mushroom of immortality

Reishi is a red Mushroom that's history dates back over 4,000 years. Ancient generations prized this mushroom for its medicinal properties, promoting health and well-being.
Ganoderma was originally reserved only for royal families to consume and is regarded by the Chinese as the "Miraculous King of Herbs" for its ability to help improve the bodies healing capacity, and longevity.

Composition: Bitter Terpenoids, substances like sterols and steroides, Nucleosides and Nueleotides, ganoderic acids, coumarin, mannitol and polysacaccharides, Hypoglycaemic Glycans and Proteoglycans, blood pressure stabilizing components, antihrombotic compounds , lectins, Cytotoxic Terpenoids, Dietary Fibers, Germanium......

Scientific  benefits and Clinical Studies on Reishi Ganoderma Lucidum.

- fight and inhibits cancer cell growth, Amazing results in inflammatory breast cancer, ovarian cancer, colon cancer, colorectal adenomas,
-boost immune system, helping people with  HIV and AIDS, Leaky-gut syndrome, Epstein-Barr, chronic bronchitis and other infectious diseases.
-can provide beneficial effects in treating type 2 Diabetes mellitus.
-ward off heart disease and lower blood pressure
-relive allergies and inflammation
-aid to sleep, as a diuretic, as a laxative and lower cholesterol and triglycerides.............

Organic Chlorella:

Chlorella is a single-cell green algae that grows wild in fresh water. Chlorella exists since the birth of the Earth and has been reproducing for three billion years. Discovered by the Dutch microbiologist, Dr. Beijerinck, in 1890, and named Chlorella which  is taking from the Greek "chloros" meaning green and Latin "ella" meaning small.

During World War I, Chlorella was cultivated in large amounts in Germany to use as a protein source.
Chlorella also was used a a remedy for radioactivity in the nuclear power plant accident in the former Soviet Union.

Chlorella is a natural plant including more than 20 species, and each species is different in its production and composition. Chlorella Vulgaris proteins contains a special substance called  CGF (Chlorella growth factor), a physiologically active substance unique to this type of Chlorella,  CGF is a kind of sulfur-containing nucleotide-peptide complexes. This CGF is not found in any higher plants, and it was used as a remedy for radioactivity in the nuclear power plant accident in the former Soviet Union.

After World War II, Chlorella Vulgaris was confirmed and used for its benefits to human health and thanks to its CGF that accelerates animal growth by ingestion was revealed. NASA used  Chlorella as a space food because it supplies nutrients even in small amounts.

Chlorella's tough exterior cellular walls are difficult to digest. It took many years of research, study, trial, and error to find a way for the human body to effectively digest it. The substance in these walls is believed to be what surrounds heavy metals, pesticides, and other toxins and help to remove them from the human body.

Composition: Proteins, Fibre, Amino Acids like Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Valine, Alanine, Arginine,, Aspartic acid, Glycine, Histidine, Proline, Serine, Tyrosine. Also Oleic - Linoleic and Alpha linolenic acid. Vitamins E, C, D H, B6, B2, B1, B3, Pantothenic acid Folic acid. Mineral like Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron Sodium, Iodine, Magnesium, Zinc. other Phytonutrients like Carotenoids Beta-carotene, Pro vitamin A, Chlorophyll and CGF.....

Other health benefits of Chlorella:
-Studies have shown that Chlorella benefits the entire body by supporting healthy hormonal function and good cardiovascular health
-helps to negate the effects of chemotherapy and radiation; studies have shown that individuals once diagnosed with cancer, Chlorella enhances the action of T cells
-lowers blood pressure and cholesterol,
-Heavy metal detox and aids in the detoxification of our bodies.
-supports a healthy immune System response and helps "natural killer" cell activity.
-Chlorella intake resulted in noticeable reductions in body fat percentage, serum total cholesterol, and fasting blood glucose levels.
-reduces oxidative stress, that can be caused from pollution, stress and a poor diet.

Chlorella side effects and precautions

Chlorella can cause side effects in some individuals, the majority of these side effects and symptoms are typical to any detoxification program. Some of the symptoms include swelling of the face or tongue sensitivity to sunlight, digestive upset, acne, fatigue, lethargy, headaches, vertigo, and shaking..........
So better to get the advise of a Naturist practitioner to help measure or test  your individual needs and for how long.
However, individuals that are allergic to iodine and those that have been prescribed Coumadin or Warfarin should consult with their physician prior to using Chlorella.

Organic Wheat Grass: Triticum aestivum.

Wheat Grass grows in temperate regions throughout Europe and the United States and can live indoors or outdoors. Many people grow their own wheatgrass by putting whet seeds in water and then harvesting the leaves.

Composition: Wheat grass contains 70 % crude chlorophyll which is the fist product of light and, therefore, contains more light energy than any other food element. contains enzymes and super - oxide dismutase, a copper containing protein found in mature red blood cells.  Potent alkalizer than slow down the ageing process...................... Wheat grass is an effective healer because it contains all minerals known to man like Vitamins A, E,  C, K and B-12, Calcium, Selenium, Magnesium, Iron, extremely rich in protein, and contains 17 amino acids, the building blocks of protein.

One ounce of wheatgrass juice has vitamin and mineral content equal to one ounce of fresh vegetables.

Health benefits of Wheat Grass:

-hels wounds
-Potentially prevent and treat serious conditions from cancer to AIDS.
-Chlorophyll acts like haemoglobin (the protein red cells that transports oxygen) and increases oxygen levels in the body.
-increase the function of the heart, affects the vascular system, the intestines, the uterus, and the lungs.
-beneficial for the brain and all body tissues to function at an optimal level in a highly - oxygenated environment
-washes drug deposits from the body.
-purify the liver
-improves blood sugar problems and digestion
-reduce inflammation and infection
-helps prevent tooth decay
-in eczemas and psoriasis
-helps to keep the hair from graying
-remove heavy metals ................and a long etc.


Turmeric, or Curcuma longa, is an ancient spice used traditionally among the peoples of India and Asia as far back as 2,000 BC. The spice belongs in the ginger family and has been highly prized in the culinary traditions of these ancient cultures for millennia. Turmeric imparts a vibrant yellowish hue to curry dishes, and the spice is also used as a natural dyeing agent for cloths. In Persia, turmeric comes from the word saffron and is closely related to the spice.
The main phytochemicals that give turmeric its most impressive and wide-ranging health benefits are curcuminoids. Amazingly, over 9,000 medical and clinical research studies have been conducted on this amazing spice and its extracted curcumin in recent years, with most finding significant physiological benefits.
There are 3 primary phytochemicals in the curcuminoid family credited for its health benefits: diferuloylmethane (or curcumin, the primary curcuminoid responsible for turmeric’s vibrant yellowish color), demethoxycurcumin, and bisdemethoxycurcumin. In addition to these three chemicals, turmerone is another of the potent volatile oils found in the root.
Research has proven these curcuminoids exert powerful health-promoting effects via 160 mechanisms and pathways in the body such as antioxidant,  neuroprotective, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, epigenetic, and adaptogenic properties.

- Mood Balancing. A study in the Journal of Affective Disorders showed noticeable and promising results with turmeric for symptoms of depression and anxiety. 

- Wound Healing.  A study in the Sept 2014 issue of Life Sciences found that turmeric (curcumin) has beneficial properties that appear to speed the wound healing process. These modes of action include the modulation of redness and welling and oxidation. As new studies come to light showing turmeric’s ability to potentiate the body’s natural healing processes and outcome. Turmeric increased collagen synthesis rates, improved wound contraction, and increased tissue strength and cell proliferation around the wound. Turmeric also showed antioxidant properties that helped the healing process.

- Pain Relief. An impressive multicenter study completed and published in the March 2014 issue of the Journal of Clinical Interventions in Aging looked at the effect of turmeric on knee osteoarthritis pain and function.  Patients taking turmeric experienced significantly less pain and fatigue.

- Blood Sugar Optimization. A novel investigative study published in the Nov 2014 issue of The Journal of Endocrinology looked at the effects of turmeric (curcumin, specifically) on the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas called Beta cells (or B-cells) and Islet cells, in relation to type-2 diabetes conditions. Researchers treated B-cell lines and human Islet cells with preparations of turmeric and found impressive insulin secretion improvements, improved insulin sensitivity, and a reduction of PDEs, enzymes that are deleterious to health and function in the pancreas. 

- Soothing Properties. Turmeric has been shown in studies to be valuable in helping the body modulate and buffer excess inflammation. The inflammatory response is a healthy and natural mechanism the body uses to usher soothing compounds in acute times of crises or repair. It’s believed that most people in today’s toxic, stress-laden environment are under constant inflammatory conditions, and a growing number of individuals in the health community now believe this to be the origin of many disease processes. Researchers discovered the anti-inflammatory effect of turmeric (curcumin) is likely exerted through its ability to inhibit inflammatory enzymes including cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), lipoxygenase (LOX), and nitric oxide synthase (NOS), among others. These three are particularly important enzymes that mediate and inform the inflammatory processes, though if poorly regulated can possibly lead to disease. 

- Arthritis Relief. A  study shows effectiveness in the relief of active arthritis pain in treatment. Turmeric outperformed diclofenac sodium on all levels, including being relatively free from adverse side effects. 

- Cholesterol Optimization.  A couple of  studies show an impressive reduction in lipid profiles and cholesterol markers in turmeric-supplemented participants  Low-dose turmeric showed improvement in serum cholesterol levels being reduced by 17% and triglycerides being slashed a whopping 47%! 

Another study results showed the turmeric (curcumin) supplemented participants had reduced serum cholesterol by 12%, reduced lipid peroxides (cholesterol byproduct marker) by 33%, and increased HDL cholesterol (the good kind) by an impressive 29%. Most importantly, these studies show that turmeric is consistently safe and has very low risk of side effect. 

- Gastroprotective (Ulcers). Turmeric inhibited stomach ulcer formation by an impressive 85%. Lesions, tissue necrosis, and haemorrhaging were also greatly reduced. In addition, turmeric also appears to offer some impressive protection for stomach ailments.

Some information out there suggests turmeric has hundreds of therapeutic and beneficial health properties, and as science advances and further studies are conducted on this amazing spice, the applications seem extremely exciting. 


Ginger (Zingiber Offininale Roscoe) is a flowering plant in the family Zingiberaceae whose rhizome, ginger root or simply ginger, is widely used as aspice or a medicine. It is a herbaceous perennial which grows annual stems about a meter tall bearing narrow green leaves and yellow flowers. Ginger is indigenous to southern China, and was spread eventually to the Spice islands, other parts of Asia and subsequently to West Africa and the Caribbean. Ginger was exported to Europe via India in the first century AD as a result of the lucrative spice trade. India is now the largest producer of ginger.  
Other members of the family Zingiberaceae include turmericcardamom, and galangal

Below are examples of some scientific studies on ginger and its current or potential uses in medical treatment:
- ginger improves the absorption and assimilation of essential nutrients in the body.
- Ginger clears the microcirculatory channels of the body, including the pesky sinuses that tend to flare up from time to time.
- Excelent in case of airsick or nauseous and help to reduce flatulence. Specially on Nauseas caused by Chemotherapy.
- Ginger can bring relief in joint and muscle pain, with its anti-inflammatory properties.
- Wonderful aphrodisiac properties.
- Girnger Root Supplement administered to volunteer participants reduced inflammation markers in the colon within a month, reducing inflammation in the colon  an reduces their risk of developing Colon Cancer.
- Ginger Contains Anti-Cancer Compunds. The active compunds of ginger, gingerols, shagaols, and paradols are known to be anticancer compunds. This was discovered in a study published in the Journal of Food and Chemical Technology. The American Assosiation For Cancer and many other studies have confimed these results to be true and have proven that ginger is very efficient in killing cancer cells in ovarian, prostate and colerectal cancer. Futhermore, according to some, the anticancer effects of ginger are even stronger than the ones of chemotherapy.
- Ginger improves Asthma symptoms.
- Ginger has demostrated to prevent hepatic injuries , specially those caused by acetaminophen.
-Ginger extract reduce  High blood pressure (hypertension).
- Ginger can help reduce the symptoms of pain in primary dysmenorrhea (period pains).
-Ginger powder is effective in treating common migraine symptoms.
-Note: You Should not take ginger if you suffer from a bleeding disorder or take blood-thinning medications (such as warfarin or aspirin). Side effects of consuming ginger are rare, but may include: Diarrhea, Heartburn, Stomach upset, Mouth irritation.

We recomend to drink warm water with Lemon or Lemon with Baking Soda if requerid before taking the Bio Detox Formula. The benefits you can get from this include:

- Eases stomach pain
- Help with digestive issues
- Helps Ph balance
- Reduces the symptoms of gout
- Promotes Kidney Health
- Treats urinary tract infections
- Reduces muscle pain and Fatigue
- Relives bloating and gas
- Fight of diseases
- Neutralizes acid
- Kills Fungi, mold and parasites
- Minimizes cough and sore throat
- Reduces the duration of cold and flu.

Risk and Precautions When using Bio Detox Holistic Formula:

Keep out of sight and reach of children. If you are  pregnant or breast feeding, nursing, taking any medication or have any medical condition. please consult your healthcare practitioner before using the Bio Detox Formula as some of the ingredients may interact with other herbs or medications. 
Not intended for use by persons under the age of 18.
Discontinue use and consult a doctor if adverse reactions occur.
Store in a cool, dark place out of direct sunlight. 
The statements on this product have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet or a healthy lifestyle. This product is suitable for Vegans and Vegetarians.
These statements have no been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This products is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

At we do our best to find the best organic ingredients. We are as enthusiastic about the environment as we are about your health. Keep green, keep healthy.

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Book for Correct Understanding of Chlorella, Chlorella Dictionary, Wikipedia Nutritional Data from the Japanese standard tablet of Food composition
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The Chalkboard - 50 Reasons to consume the Benefits of Wheatgrass
* Proven-Chlorella-Benefits-side-effects/>

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