"Our Holistic Programmes combines our inteligent Energy reset and Body Detox treatments with Biomagnetism, the super multinutrient biodetox Holistic Formula, Energy Body Work personal training, Osteopathy Holistic Therapy Massage and Macrobiotics recipes"
.... Wherever you are in the World !.
Marcos Alejandro Tavero
It´s been more than 16 years since i started a long path learning and practicing Natural Medicine, Acupunture, Osteopathy, Biomagnetism and Par Biomagnético, Thai Yoga Massage, Reflexology, Bach Flowers and more.
I have created a Bio Detox Holistic Formula that will help you to Detoxify while nourishes, revitalizes and alkalized your whole body.
At the same time i learned the Physical and Energetic disciplines of health and long life from the very best from the Taoist and Hindu cultures; with Chi Gong, Tai Chi, Pilates and Yoga. Those experiences have helped me to develop BODY ENERGY WORK (B.E.W.) - a Holistic approach to body fitness, where i unite my classes and therapy treatments with outstanding benefits and results.
From here i want to thank my Mother and my Father for giving me the most precious thing: "Life".
Thanks olso to all my teachers and masters from all the different cultures and religions around the world, for your patients towards me and sharing all of your knowledge .....
My intention is to promote a Holistic recovery, keeping wellbeing bringing quality life by using the best natural solutions.
Whatsapp: +34 670064634
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