Holistic Massage


Our signature when performing A Holistic Massage, is always using the most  appropiate Therapy techniques to restore structural restricitions, relieving muscle tension and painful joints, activating blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. 

Also emotional tension and stress will be relaxed throughout the body.

By activating the detoxification process and the "Vis Naturae Medicatrix" (internal Vitality) to enhance and open your body natural flow of energy, allowing your spirit to soar to new heights.

Other techniques like Osteopath, Acupressure, Tuina (Chinese massage), Thai Yoga Massage, Reflexology and Sport Massage....... will give you the perfect combination to promote fast recovery and wellbeing .

Pain? Inflammation? try our Holistic  Energy Regulator belt with Healing magnets: ideal for resolving inflammation, pain, bruises, blows.....fast recovery after operation and traumatic injuries of any kind...
Click here to see our Bio Energy Regulators kit